Download Orexplore Insight®.

Orexplore Insight® is free to download.
In unlicensed mode, the program is restricted to opening the example data available below, but has no further limitations in functionality. If you’re an Orexplore Technologies customer or partner, you will have received a license file with instructions, and will be able to open any data.
System requirements
Microsoft Windows® 7/8.1/10/11 (64-bit)
Apple macOS® 10.12+
Linux (64-bit)
8 GB RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
OpenGL 3.2 graphics
User manual
Download example data.
To let you explore the capabilities of Orexplore Insight®, we've prepared a couple of example data sets that are free for download.
Here’s how to get started and open the examples:
- Install Orexplore Insight®.
- Download and extract the example data ZIPs provided below.
- Double-click the .insight file within the extracted folder.
- For more information, see the user manual.

Example 1: Pyrrhotite Intercept.
Massive pyrrhotite intercept in a mafic matrix. The mineralised section, situated just above a cross-cutting quartz vein, shows concentrations of nickel. Some copper is also present throughout the sample.

Example 2: Sulphides in Orthoclase.
Folded clusters of disseminated sulphides are visible in an orthoclase matrix. While this sample is from a few meters below the main mineralisation of a lead-zinc deposit, small amounts of lead can still be seen.
Tutorial 1.
Orexplore Insight® An introduction with geologist Stefan Luth.
Orexplore Insight® is free to download.
Ready for a technological leap?
In unlicensed mode, the program is restricted to example data, but has no further limitations in functionality. For full access, talk to us about becoming an Orexplore Technologies partner.